Donos-AR is an innovative Augmented Reality (AR) application developed for Android devices, using Unity to test and explore the capabilities of AR technology. The application has been crafted with a blend of humor and technology, aiming to engage users in a playful experience while demonstrating the advanced features of AR.
The primary purpose of Donos-AR is to offer a humorous approach to reporting students smoking on university campuses, a common yet often unaddressed issue. It leverages the power of AR to create an immersive and interactive experience.
AR Avatar Management
- Avatar Control: Users can interact with and control an AR avatar within the application.
- Real-World Integration: The avatar interacts seamlessly with the real-world environment.
Image Recognition System
- Photo Scanning: Users can scan a 'No Smoking' sign, triggering the reporting system.
- Spatial Analysis: The app analyzes the photo's real-world position, scale, and orientation.
Surface Recognition
- Floor Plane Detection: Users can designate the floor surface area around them.
- Visual Indicator: A shader comprising green dots highlights the selected plane.
Character Animations
- Custodian Character: Upon activating the reporting system, a computer-generated custodian character appears in the AR world.
- Realistic Movements: The character approaches the user with life-like animations.
Humorous Interaction
- Action Choices: Users are presented with two humorous options: "Call the Police" or "File an Expulsion Request".
- Sound Effects: Selecting either option triggers a humorous sound effect, emphasizing the app's playful nature.
Please note that Donos-AR is a project developed solely for testing and humorous purposes. It is not intended for actual use in reporting incidents and should be enjoyed as a creative exploration of AR technology.