Dive into the captivating world of "Turbo Kozak" a knight embarking on perilous adventures in a land threatened by an evil sorcerer, in this Unity 3D-based adventure game. Developed by the three-person team at "DeVision303", this project initially started as a university assignment but evolved into a passion project. Within just 5 weeks, the first playable version was created, and the team decided to continue development after its academic success.
The game features a host of original systems, including:
- Quest Manager: A robust system for tracking and managing game quests.
- Mob AI: Advanced artificial intelligence for enemy characters.
- Boss AI: Specialized AI for challenging boss encounters.
- NPC Interaction: Engaging dialogue and interaction mechanisms with non-playable characters.
- Inventory System: A comprehensive system for managing player equipment and items.
- Experience System: Mechanics for player progression and skill advancement.
- Map Interaction: Interactive elements within the game world for a more immersive experience.
- Usable Items: A variety of items that players can utilize within the game.
- Game State Save/Load: Functionality to save and load game progress.
- Special Effects: A wide range of visual and audio effects to enhance the gaming experience.
This project is not only a testament to the team's dedication and skill in game development but also an example of how academic projects can transform into larger endeavors.